Online ISSN : 2456-6675
Print ISSN : 0972-8058 

Guidelines for Authors

Effulgence is devoted to the publication of papers which advance knowledge through research and cases in functional areas of marketing, finance, human resource development, information technology, operations management, general management as also macro issues of globalization, regional trade and investment. The selection of papers for publication will be based on their relevance, clarity, and originality, the extent to which they advance knowledge, understanding, application and their likely contribution towards inspiring further development and research.

Types of Contribution

The Journal attempts to maintain a balance between purely research- oriented papers and those derived mainly from the experiences of practitioners involved in the different areas of management. In the case of research-based articles, papers that present the results of original research and analysis are accepted for publication in the Journal. The managerial/policy implications of the study should be highlighted towards the end of the paper.

Book Scan

This section covers abstract of books on management especially in the areas of skill building, managerial effectiveness, and macro-economic issues in development. The summary should not normally exceed 2000 words.


The manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract (not more than 150 words) of the article and introduction of authors (name's, designation/s, affiliation/s) on separate sheets.


The articles should not normally exceed 6000 words. The articles should be in clear and concise English and should be typed in Times New Roman font size 12 on A4 paper in double-line spacing with wide margins. Papers submitted for consideration in Effulgence should be accompanied by a declaration by the authors that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Editorial decision regarding articles accepted for processing in Effulgence will be communicated in 90 days' time. We follow BLIND-REFEREED REVIEW.


The manuscript should not appear in another publication. This will ensure copyright protection for both the authors and Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies. Note that it is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to reprint long quotations or use tables, figures or graphs previously published with copyright restrictions. In case of any copyright infringement, the sole responsibility will be of author(s).

General Outlines of Papers

Your manuscript should contain the following items in the order shown below:

1. Title, author's affiliation and full address

2. Abstract (not more than 150 words) outlining the purpose, scope and conclusions of the paper. The abstract should explain why the readers should consider these results important.

3. The text, suitably divided under headings and sub-headings to elucidate the text and to emphasize points.

4. Acknowledgements, if any.

5. References.

6. Tables: Tables (each on a separate sheet) should be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals and should be referred to in the text as Table I, Table II etc. Tables should not duplicate results in graphs.

7. Graphs: The minimum amount of descriptive text should be used on graphs and drawings (label curves, points etc. with single-letter symbols). Graph axes should be labeled with variable written out in full, along the length of the axes, with the unit in parenthesis.

8. Figures and illustrations (each on a separate sheet).


Only those references; which are actually utilized in the text, should be included in the reference list. In the text, references should be cited with the surname of the author(s) along with the year of publication, all in brackets. References should be complete in all respects and alphabetically arranged.

Detailed Outlines of Manuscript

The manuscript should be in English and prepared on the following lines:-

1. Title: Title should be brief, specific and informative, the scientific name(s) in italics/underlined.

2. Authors: Names of authors to be typed, in capitals unaccompanied by their degrees, titles etc.

3. Address: Address of the institution where the work was carried out is to be given below the name(s) of author(s). Present address of correspondence should be given as footnote indicating by asterisk the author to whom the correspondence is to be addressed.

4. Abstract: Abstract need to be introduced in three parts (Background/Methods/Conclusion). The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic, state the scope of the experiments, indicate significant data, and point out major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should be in about 150 to 200 words. Standard nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be cited.

5. Key words: Following the abstract, key words not more than 8 that will provide indexing references should be listed and in alphabetical order.

6. Introduction: This should be brief and the review of the literature should be pertinent to the theme of the paper. Extensive review and unnecessary detail of earlier work should be avoided.

7. Materials and Methods: It should inform the reader about appropriate methodology etc. but if known methods have been adopted; only references are cited. It should comprise the experimental design and techniques with experimental area and institutional with year of experiment. Authors need to indicate when (year/period) and where (university/institute) the present experiment was conducted.

8. Results and Discussion: It should be combined to avoid repetition. The results should not be repeated in both tables and figures. The discussion should relate to the significance of the observations.

Conclusion and Acknowledgement

Table numbers should be followed by the title of the table, Line drawings/photographs should contain figure number and description thereof. The corresponding number(s) of Tables, Figures etc should be quoted in the text.

References: The author should use (APA Style of referencing) the author-date format for citations and references (e.g., Hebbar et al. 2006; Subba Rao, 2001). A List of all the references quoted should be provided at the end of the paper. It should be prepared alphabetically with surname of all the authors followed by these initials and year of publication in brackets. The titles of the articles should be mentioned. Full journal name should be used and be typed in italics. Volume numbers need to be in bold type and pagination in normal type.


While submitting the article please ensure that you have included the following:

1. The purpose and prospective readers for whom the article has been targeted, the significance of your contribution.

2. Appropriate context and background to your article by referring to earlier work in the area.

3. Practicality and usefulness of your work.

4. Implications of the study and Identification of future areas of work. 5. Proper structuring of the paper so that it reads in a clear and logical manner.

Submission Process:

We request authors to register first through our website as author. Once you are approved, login and use the link “Submit Articles” and submenu “New Article” to submit your paper.

Reference Citation
Books :

Cooke, Helin S. and Tate, Karen (2005), "Project Management", Tata Mc Graw Hill.
Rothwell, William J. and Kazanas, H. C (2007), ''Planning and Managing Human Resources", JAICO Publishing House.

Edited Book :

Rao, P. Mohana (2004), ''Mergers and Acquisitions of Companies", Deep & Deep Publication Pvt. Ltd.

Articles in Edited Books :

Gupta, S. (2001), "Financial Institutions and Economic Growth", in Problems and Prospects of Development Banking, ed. Atmanand, Delhi, International Books, pp. 412-425.

Journal Article :

Venkatrarnan, N. (1997), ''Beyond Outsourcing: Managing IT Resources as a Value Center", Sloan Management Review, 38(3): 51-64 Kephart, J.Q. et al. (1997).

Reports, etc :

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMlE) (2000), Monthly Review of the Indian Economy, Mumbai, May, p.124.Reserve Bank of India (1989), Harmonizing the Role of Operations of Development Financial Institutions and Banks: A Discussion Paper, January.

Newspapers :

Tarapore,S.S. (1998). FIs' Days are numbered. Business Standard, 28 August.

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